“It was Julia’s passion and enthusiasm in addition to her experience from BTI that secured her the role.”

—Supervisor, Catalent


Lab Assistant
Graduated 2019

Julia, a 28-year old single mother, showed a positive attitude, dedication and commitment to BTI’s program and her future career development despite her personal challenges. During training, she lost her father to a prolonged illness. The next day, her twin brother passed away from an epileptic seizure. BTI worked with her to make up the necessary assignments, lectures and labs she missed. Upon her return, she remained enthusiastic and optimistic.

It was this resilience, her positive outlook and her excitement for potential opportunities that won over Catalent’s Director of Talent Acquisition. Julia began working at Catalent on July 8, 2019 as a Lab Assistant,  increasing her salary by 31 percent. Feedback from Catalent was, “It was Julia’s passion and enthusiasm in addition to her experience from BTI that secured her the role.”