Make an Impact Today

BTI’s mission to provide tuition-free training to under- and unemployed Baltimore residents relies on private funding to help our participants realize their dreams.

BTI is funded by generous grants from private foundations, corporate contributions, fee for service training contracts, individual contributions, and revenue from BioSciConcepts, BTI’s fee-based scientific training workshops for industry professionals.

You can donate online by clicking entering and donating on this page or mail a check to:

Brandy Carter, Ph.D.
Executive Director
BioTechnical Institute
1101 West Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21223

We are so grateful for the support of our community and our donors. We could not help our participants achieve their dreams without your help.

Join the family of BTI supporters today!

Good News! Make Your Donation Go Further
With CITC Tax Credits

BTI is now offering CITC Tax Credits! Download our CITC information sheet to learn more about how you can take advantage of this opportunity!

A student injects a sample into a test tube vial while wearing gloves and eye protection. The sample is a pale blue color matching their gloves.

Other Ways to Support BTI

Be a Guest Speaker/Mentor

BTI is always appreciative of industry experts who can volunteer their time to come in and share their expertise and advice with our participants. If you are interested in being a guest speaker or a professional industry mentor, please contact Dr. Timothy Fawcett or Dr. Wayne Butscher at (410) 752-4224.

In-Kind Donations

In-kind donations help us lessen our operating expenses and use more of our funds to support our participants’ success. If your company is interested in providing in-kind donations to BTI, please contact Dr. Timothy Fawcett or Dr. Wayne Butscher at (410) 752-4224.